Welcome Note

Our Journey to Excellence: A Legacy of Innovation and Impact in Education

Venera Krliu

School Principal

Education doesn’t end with high school or university. It lasts a lifetime. So, I hope to continue learning from AHSS and the students as much as they learn from us.


Dear students and families,

It is my honor and pleasure to welcome you to the American High School Skopje as the Principal of the School. I am excited to be working with such wonderful and clever students and it is a privilege to be a part of your family’s lives. When the school was first opened, I was deeply motivated by the idea of having a place that offers the high-quality level of education, knowledge, and soft skills necessary to prepare students for real life. But I was equally committed to creating a safe and comfortable environment in which students would be allowed to be themselves. I am also dedicated to nurturing a sense of togetherness in students and helping them grow up to be true community members. And since humanity and philanthropic work are very important for me personally and professionally, I work to instill those values in the students as well. To achieve all this, the School brings together a team of carefully selected professionals in all aspects of education. Our team consists of skilled and experienced individuals that truly love learning and the dissemination of knowledge, and they are passionate about creating the future leaders of the community.

Our school is an opportunity for all of us to join forces and bring forward our knowledge and experiences, our open spirits and love of learning, and our child-centered approach to education – all in favor of the students. I strongly believe that the relationships between the families and the school as essential for the well-being and success of our students, so I welcome and encourage you to become involved in any way you choose.

Education doesn’t end with high school or university. It lasts a lifetime. So, I hope to continue learning from AHSS and the students as much as they learn from us.

And to all girls and boys, I’d like you to know that…

I pay a lot of attention to your personalities and I support the teachers to encourage your free spirit;
I want you to discover your potential, and when you do that, don’t be afraid to explore it and nurture it;
I want to help you create memories of high school as an inspiring and warm beginning of a journey toward adulthood;
Study, but have fun while doing it;
Be bold and loud, different, and true to yourself;
Don’t judge, don’t hate. Accept all for what they are like;
Build better friendships so we can enjoy a better community;
Grow up with integrity.

Be sure you’ll move mountains!

Venera Krliu