Pane Perunovski

Personal Information
Pane Perunovski
Geography Teacher

Educational background:
B.A. in Geography, University of St. Cyrill and Methodius, Skopje

Professional Experience:  
Teacher Pane Perunovski has been a part of AHSS since its inception and continues to
tirelessly and exceptionally contribute to our school’s growth. In his 13 years of teaching
experience, he has climbed many peaks and survived many storms. Tectonics is his great
passion. The first person to call in case of an earthquake. He has published several science
papers and course books. He is currently working on a 7th grade Geography course book.
Recently he has been appointed as Geoscience Education Field Officer by the European
Geosciences Union, a title bestowed only upon a single Geography teacher within the

Awards and Recognitions:  
– Certificate of Appreciation for exceptional contribution to the development of geography
in the country (Life achievement award) by the Macedonian Geographical Society
– Certificate for the mentorship of a silver medalist during the International Earth Science
– ACES Award for Innovative Learning for the project Power of Difference
– RYCO Superschools Awards for Best Partnership and Best Creative Product for the project
The Green Witch
– Recognition for his mentorship of the best Geography student in Skopje by the city’s
mayor on 7 different occasions

Professional Affiliations:
– Member of the European Geosciences Union
– Member of the Macedonian Geographical Society
– Member of the Skopje Astronomical Society
– Member of the Macedonian Heraldic Society
– Member of the Society of Macedonian-Japanese friendship and cooperation

Interests / Hobbies / Goals:  
Nature is Pane’s favorite classroom. Come every Sunday noon, you can be sure to find Pane
and our students up the Mount Vodno trails laughing, joking, and learning about their surroundings by experiencing and living it rather than reading about it. The lessons given
on the mountain stick the longest. Pane is the most passionate homesick traveler there ever
was. He can go anywhere his legs can take him, visiting 24 countries and counting. But
coming back home always brings him the most joy. Exploring other cultures inside and out
is one of his greatest pleasures. He is one of Skopje’s most active couch surfing users, using
the app to host people from all over the world and likewise be hosted by them. This active
interest in other cultures has helped him to communicate in 7 languages. Pane is a
passionate heraldry designer and vexillologist. Collector of old coins and sports jerseys.

Fun Facts:
– Learned to read while being babysat by the current president of the country
– Owns a book that originally belonged to Mother Teresa, a gift from her cousin who also
babysat him
– His childhood nickname was Globus (Globe), try to guess why
– First major income earned on a TV quiz show Who Wants To Be A Millionaire
– Quoted by Wikipedia on the page about the village of Zhvan
– Cameo appearance in the children’s TV series Rabrobil
– Admin of the most popular Facebook group about the Macedonian language: Puzder
Pravam Od Makedonskiot Jazik
– Made 1000 tsuru origami birds to bring eternal happiness to everyone who received them
according to Japanese tradition

Contact info: