Ana Golejshka Djikova

Personal Information
Ana Golejshka Djikova
Macedonian Language and Literature teacher

Professional Experience
Ana has a B.A. in General and Comparative Literature, Cyril and Methodius University Skopje. With over 10 years of experience in the Macedonian literary scene, teacher Ana is a vital part of the newer generation of female authors and has been part of important literary and linguistic events. She enjoys creating a public space for presenting the Macedonian
language and its characteristics and creating new words and phrases. She is the author of
six published books, three poetry collections and three children’s books. Currently working
on the next one. For the last 4 years, she has been an active mentor of children’s and youth workshops for literature, reviewer, editor and associate for publishing houses.

Awards and Recognitions:   
– Published author (poetry and prose) in Macedonian periodicals
– Guest Speaker at the Peach Talk event, where women’s stories are told

Interests / Hobbies / Goals
A social activist, sings with passion. Enjoys creating new vistas in literary storytelling
and imparting knowledge. Narrative by nature. A poetess in spirit.

Fun facts
– Teacher Ana was a part of the „Retweet a meal “, social initiative who cooks food for the
homeless. She can make rice for 100 people.
– Likes to garden and grow herbs.
– Slams, sings and raps when performs with her band.

Contact info